Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Mineral With 300+ Jobs

Magnesium, it's quite a simple element within the periodic table, and often overlooked in our day to day nutrition. When asked, most people know that they must get their daily vitamin C or vitamin D, but often minerals such as magnesium are overlooked. In fact, it is one of the most common mineral deficiencies found in North American, and is often higher in men then women. It's no surprise when you factor in the increased stressed experience in modern society. An increase in physical and/or emotional stress can results in not only an increase in urinary excretion or magnesium, but also a decrease in its intracellular concentration. Some common symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, memory loss, muscle cramps, just to name a few.

So what does this little mineral due that it's absence causes such a wide array of symptoms? Well for one thing 50-60% of magnesium is found in bone and of that 70% is associated with Calcium and Phosphorous as part of the crystal matrix which gives our bones it's strength and durability. It is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions within our body as structural co-factors, allosteric activators and as a requirement for the production of ATP. It is also involved in a wide array of physiological processes such as neuronal activity, electrical properties of our cell membranes and cardiac excitability. This is in addition to me additional beneficial effects it provides within out bodies such has the inhibition of platelet aggregation, the promotion of blood vessels dilation and antispasmodic effect on our skeletal and smooth muscles.

The great thing about magnesium is that it is found in many things, some which are pretty delicious to consume:
Not a bad way to get some magnesium - source
    •    Nuts and Seeds
    •    Legumes
    •    Whole grains (oats, barley, brown rice)
    •    Seafood
    •    Green leafy vegetables
    •    Corn
    •    Carrots
    •    Dairy products
    •    Coffees and Teas
    •    Cocoa and Chocolate
    •    Blackstrap Molasses

Now this is just a rough list. For instance, when I say chocolate I don't mean got out and eat a case of Mars Bar at the convenience store. When I say chocolate I mean unrefined/unprocessed dark chocolate. In fact, many of the magnesium containing food would be consume anyways if your diet was balanced and packed full of nutritional goodness.

Now some of you may be wondering about supplements and what you should take. Well that I can't fully answer and should be something you ask a health practitioner such as an MD, ND or Nutritionist. Often by changing your diet and/or taking a daily multivitamin you should more then meet your daily requirements. But the one thing I will say is be careful when taking magnesium supplements or any for that matter, make sure to follow the instructions given by your health practitioner and only take additional doses as prescribed.

You may be wondering what the big deal is if I just start popping magnesium like candy. It's only a mineral right? It's not like some pharmaceutical drug that will kill off my liver if I take to much. Well, not entirely, but do you remember how magnesium has an antispasmotic effect on smooth muscles? Well one of the most common side-effects of magnesium supplementation is something I like to call Montezumas revenge or as the medical community calls it, diarrhea. This is in addition to more extreme effects such as double vision or muscle paralysis. This isn't to say you should fear it, but it's like anything, to much of even a good thing is bad for you or in this case makes you need to have either a toilet or constant supply of adult diapers nearby.

Diarrhea, a surprise every time - source 

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